Thanks to the Bristol Records Office for their help in sourcing records.

1910 sources

The 1910 information came from the Bristol District Valuation Office Domesday books. These can be found at Bristol Records Office. The catalogue numbers of the sources we used are:

  • 37271/6
  • 37271/3
  • 37271/8

There are maps that go with the 1910 valuation books which we used to draw building outlines. Unfortunately they are not available in Bristol, but the National Archives in Kew have copies:

  • IR 58/13130
  • IR 58/13131
  • IR 58/13146
  • IR 58/13147

We also used the background layers in Know Your Place to draw building outlines. More details can be found in the Methodology document.

18th Century sources

Our information about the 18th Century came from ‘The Topography of Medieval and Early Modern Bristol: Part I’ by Roger H Leech. This is published by the Bristol Records Society and a copy is available in the Bristol Records Office (Bristol Records Society Vol. XLVIII).

We adapted the maps from our 1910 layer, then made them match the maps in Leech’s book. Again, more details can be found in the Methodology document.

Reusing our work

You can download our work from the GitHub repository for the project. The GIS (Geographic Information System) Shapefiles can be found in this directory.

There is also a QGIS file will all the layers in here.